7 Ways to Lose Weight and Eat Healthier

7 Ways to Lose Weight and Eat Healthier

If you are a working mom, you know that it can be a challenge to find time to cook healthy meals, prepare snacks, and make sure you are eating right. You also may need to lose weight for a variety of reasons. And you have less time to work on your fitness goals. Here are seven tips that will help you eat better and lose weight.

1. Diet for Busy Working Moms

Dieting is hard. Life is busy. Asken Diet, the free calorie counting app is here to help. Dieting isn't always about drastic food changes. It is about understanding what you are eating and learning what kinds of adjustments to your diet can lead to sustainable weight change. After all, if you put in all the effort to lose the weight, you want to make sure it stays off. The team at Asken Diet built an app, with the guidance of licensed dietitians to help users lose weight and keep it off. As you log your food, the app will give you quick and easy nutrition advice so you can get back to your busy schedule.

2. Find Your Fitness

It isn't always easy to find time to exercise or work out, especially as a busy working mom. If you don't have time to visit the gym, there are other small things you can do throughout the day to help burn a few extra calories here and there. Try parking further away from your office entrance to get in a few extra steps. Take a short walk break during the day to step away from the computer screen. Avoid the elevator when possible. These actions will add up to calories burned!

3. Lighten Your Coffee

There are all kinds of studies about the pros and cons of coffee. In general, try to keep coffee intake to a minimum. It's hard, especially as a working mom, but try caffeinated tea or other methods to mix up your caffeine intake. If you must have your coffee fix, avoid adding sugar or cream to it. This will help keep calories to a minimum.

4. Include Your Kids

It is never too young to teach your kids about eating right and staying active. After a busy day at work, come home and try a 15 minute work out with the kids. Leg lunges. Planking. Jog around the house. Turn it into a fun routine for both you and your kids so you both can stay healthy. Win win.

5. Edit Your Diet

Calorie counting apps like Asken Diet are only as helpful as the items you log. The more you log, the more insights into your diet you can get. The advice in the Asken Diet app will help you learn what you are eating too much (or too little) of. Use this information to make adjustments and edit out the unhealthy items you are eating too much of.

6. Taste the Rainbow

It can sometimes be hard to hit the recommended servings of fruits and/or vegetables. But calories from these healthy items are the best calories to count. When grocery shopping, try to buy a variety of colors of vegetables and fruits. Leafy greens. Red radishes. Purple cabbage. They all pack different healthy nutrients and taste (and look) good too!

7. Stay Realistic

It is normal to want to see results instantly. Avoid the temptation to try to lose weight as quickly as possible. This isn't healthy nor sustainable. It is likely the weight will rebound. Instead, focus on slow (but steady) weight change by eating more healthy. Stay realistic with your goals and celebrate each small success along your diet journey. You got this!

Links that can help:

Asken Diet: https://www.askendiet.com/get
Self.com: https://www.self.com/story/the-working-mom-diet-easy-ways
WeightWatchers: https://www.weightwatchers.com/uk/top-tips-for-busy-mums
Health Line: https://www.healthline.com/health/diabetes/type-2-diabetes-risk-factors