How to Keep the Weight Off

There is a lot of misinformation on how to keep weight off, and a lot of people who have been trying to lose weight for years with no success. There are the people who say that all you have to do is eat less and exercise more. Some say that all you have to do is eat more and exercise less. The truth is that there are a lot of factors that affect your weight, and you need to change the way you think about your weight. One way is using a calorie tracking app such as Asken Diet or LoseIt! These apps allow you to scan the barcodes of all the food you've eaten, manually enter the food, or use a food database to automatically update your daily food intake. However, not all foods are listed in the food database, so it's important to monitor your intake. These apps will help you keep track of how many calories you are taking in each day. Remember, not all calories are alike. With Asken Diet, the team of licensed dietitians will give you free daily advice to make sure you are getting calories from a variety of healthy sources. Think: "Eat the rainbow" when it comes to eating a variety of vegetables and fruits. Those calories are the good kinds!

Stay Realistic

It is normal to want to see results instantly. Avoid the temptation to try to lose weight as quickly as possible. This isn't healthy nor sustainable. It is likely the weight will rebound. Instead, focus on slow (but steady) weight change by eating more healthy. Stay realistic with your goals and celebrate each small success along your diet journey.

Find Clever Ways to Burn Calories

It isn't always easy to find time to exercise or work out, especially as a busy working mom. If you don't have time to visit the gym, there are other small things you can do throughout the day to help burn a few extra calories here and there. Try parking further away from your office entrance to get in a few extra steps. Take a short walk break during the day to step away from the computer screen. Avoid the elevator when possible. These actions will add up to calories burned!

The Bottom Line

Deciding to count calories is already a huge first step in leading a more healthy life. Knowing what goes into your body is a great way to gain insights into how to make diet changes. The Asken Diet app will give users free daily advice (after logging all three meals in a day) so that you can learn what nutrients you are lacking or have excess of. Counting calories might sound hard, but it should only take a few minutes to log what you ate. You don't have to be perfect in logging every little thing, but doing your best to track what you ate will pay off in healthy dividends. You got this! 💪

Links that can help:

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