5 Ways to Avoid Gaining Weight Back After Dieting

So you've been dieting, and you've been doing a great job so far. Congratulations! But now, you're feeling a bit discouraged because you've been dieting for a few weeks and the number on the scale has hardly changed. Don't worry, that's completely normal! And it's also completely fixable. Whether you're sticking to a diet with a set number of calories, or you're doing meal prep and meal prepping, as long as you're eating a balanced diet, you’ll be ok.

Weight gain after weight loss

Dieting is hard. It is often a long journey. As you hit your diet and weight goals, make sure to adjust your focus from weight loss to maintaining your weight. If you are using the free Asken Diet app, you can adjust this setting yourself within the app.

As you adjust to maintaining your weight, be wary of ‘emotional eating.’ After letting go of eating patterns that no longer serve you, you’ll find yourself better able to focus on continuing to eat healthy.

Why people regain weight

Often people start to slip back in to previous/bad eating habits. Portions might start slowly getting bigger and bigger again. Remember to think about portion control when eating. And while yes, portion size has an impact on your diet (and weight), what is also important is the quality of foods that you are consuming. Are they mostly processed foods? Are they rich in artificial flavors? Are they high in sugars? Do they contain chemicals and preservatives? These factors are more important than simply just portion control. Restricting unhealthy calories will go a long way towards keeping your body weight in check.

People lead busy lives and often opt for easy food options. Those “easy” options often are processed foods full of preservatives. Remember, you’ve worked hard to lose the weight, keep your eye on your new goal, your overall health and do your best to eat healthy calories, not processed ones.

Why does weight come back so fast

When you’ve hit your weight loss goal, you are lighter and therefore need fewer calories. So a sudden increase in portion size or processed foods will more quickly show results (in the form of weight gain) on your body.

But a return of some weight might not be something to immediately panic about. It could be water weight. One small tip is to weigh yourself at similar times each day/week so as to weigh yourself in a consistent pattern.

Maintaining weight loss for a lifetime

It is all about adjusting to new lifestyle changes and healthy habits. Things like a “morning hour of power” for example. Have a sacred time for yourself that is blocked off just for yourself. This allows you to develop a schedule for yourself (and your body). It will help you feel grounded during the course of the day and should help reduce changes of emotional eating or other unhealthy triggers.

Track your food intake

Don't start your day without having checked the calorie counter app, as this will help you to stay on track with your diet. There are many out there, but the best one (in our eyes) is the Asken Diet app for iOS (and Android). This app has a variety of different food categories to help you track all different kinds of food throughout the day. You can download the free app here: www.askendiet.com/get

Links that can help:

Asken Diet: www.askendiet.com/get
Island Sounder: https://www.islandssounder.com/national-marketplace/app-away-reviews-is-nutrico-appaway-supplement-safe-to-use/
SignalSCV: https://signalscv.com/2021/09/circadiyin-reviews-scam-or-legit-weight-loss-ingredients-really-work/
WebMD: https://www.webmd.com/diet/news/20161014/how-your-appetite-can-sabotage-weight-loss
Insider: https://www.insider.com/how-to-avoid-weight-gain-after-ending-diet-2021-5
Healthline: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/best-diet-plans